Sunday, December 1, 2013

(Just thought since Thanksgiving is about family time, I would show a picture of me and my dad,
 the one who gave me my feet.)
Thanksgiving, Family, Food, and a LONG Car Ride
Man, it has been forever since I updated y'all on the progress of my foot so let me try to catch you up. After my post op appointment my husband and mom began to pack up the car for the long drive back home to Georgia. I participated by verbally reminding them of things to pack while I sat on my butt. We got on the road at midnight and began the journey. Three adults, a cat, and a dog all crammed into a small suv. We were so excited. The car ride was not bad at all. My pump still had meds that were keeping my foot pretty numb. We made it to our destination in roughly seventeen hours. After getting settled in we enjoyed time with family and friends. I was able to use the scooter to get around the house. My pain level was never unbearable, but at night I still felt like my foot was going to explode and then burn to a crisp. After being out of town for a couple of days I began to get sick. Nothing like feeling sick while recovering from having all of your toes broken.
After time with the family was over my husband and I packed back up and headed back to Texas with the cat and dog. This time the trip was not as pleasant. My medicine ball had run out of all of the wonderful whatever that stuff was that pumped into me to keep my foot numb. I could literally feel the broken bones in my foot. The other side effects of running out of my medicine were feeling burning sensations throughout the day and I could feel when my foot was swollen. 
We finally made it home and then this morning I had my husband pull the catheter out of my leg. That moment was terrifying. I had no idea how it would feel, so I took a deep breath and put the biggest grimace on my face. Surprisingly enough it did not hurt at all, I mean that, it did not hurt AT ALL. I was so relieved to get that thing out of me. Afterwards I could finally take a nice long hot bath to help me relax and enjoy some quiet time. 
Still waiting to get my appointment time for getting my suchers taken out. My pain is more intense than before but the meds are keeping it under control. I'm able to hold out for the full six hours before taking another pill.    


  1. I've been following your posts and can honestly say I feel your pain. I had my bunion done on my right foot on the 18th and am headed back to work on Tuesday. Had staples and stitches and ran out of my pain meds a week ago. Been in misery all day today. Can't wait for the stitches to come out. Good luck and get well.

    1. First off thank you so much for following my recovery. What all did you have done? I'll be out until January. Thank goodness for Christmas break! I hope that your pain subsides quickly and that you won't have to wait too much longer to get those stitches out! Whoo hoo!

    2. It's actually a re-do of my right bunion. Had both feet done in my early 20's and the doctor just did an ok job. They both came back the right worse than the left. I'm actually back to work tomorrow. I hope. And the stitches out tomorrow as well. I hope.

  2. How long did the on q take to run out? I'm getting both feet done on the 27, two weeks before school starts(ahh).
